As a guarantee of our commitment to provide Railway Undertakings with quality services, we developed our "System of Guarantee of minimum quality levels of the services provided" in accordance with Measure 4.2 of Italian Transport Authority (ART) Resolution no. 130/2019 and with Measure 5.6 of Italian Transport Authority (ART) Resolution no. 187/2020.

The Methodological Document in Appendix to Chapter 5 of the NS indicates, for each service, the quality indicator, the parameter for its measurement, quality target and the methods for calculating the penalties for failing to achieve the target.

The quality targets on which we are commited each year are published on the e-PIR portal by May of the same year.


Each year, we process data on actual punctuality for the previous timetable period and assess the target values for the duration of the current timetable in accordance with paragraph 6.3.2 of the Network Statement and in compliance with Transport Regulatory Authority Resolution no. 151/2019.

By 28 February each year, we publish the document “Punctuality - actual timetable values and targets in force”, on this page and in the “Information for Applicants” section of the ePIR portal.

Document download

The last analysis, relating to 2018, identified the following levels of satisfaction for the “overall Quality Service”:

For the "IF Observatory PAX": 94% satisfied and 73% fully satisfied. For the "IF Observatory Merci": 74% satisfied and 47% fully satisfied