As National Railway Infrastructure Manager, we publishe the Network Statement (NS), in pursuance of Legislative Decree 112/2015, in order to inform our clients about network characteristics and access condition and rules, criteria and conditions to allocate infrastructure capacity and to provide related services.

The NS is issued by Directive of RFI CEO based on consultations with the parties concerned (Railway Undertakings (RUs), Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Framework Agreement holders) and following the information provided by the Transport Regulation Authority (TRA).

In particular, NS is divided into 7 chapters:

  • Section 1 – General information.
  • Section 2 – Infrastructure: illustrates the general infrastructure characteristics necessary to appropriately draft and compile the capacity requests, while reference to the ePIR portal must be made for the relevant details.
  • Section 3 – Access Conditions: contains the conditions for regulating access to and utilisation of the railway infrastructure, and managing the relevant Access Contract, in accordance with the applicable national regulations and the terms and conditions established by the Infrastructure Manager (IM).
  • Section 4 – Capacity Allocation: describes the capacity request and allocation process, in terms of schedules, priority criteria and types of requests.
  • Section 5 – Services and tariffs: describes the services included in the access charge, those provided by the infrastructure manager to the undertaking for an extra charge; as well as the reporting rules, in respect of the infrastructure Access Contract, and the system for calculating and levying the access charges, including the services not included therein.
  • Section 6 – Execution of the contract: the obligations of the RU and IM, after signing the Path Access Agreement, with respect to the use of the capacity, and the criteria relating to the management of the circulation, including disruption, and of any operational incidents.
  • Section 7 – Service facilities: the services, and the tariffs associated with them, in relation to facilities with guaranteed access rights pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 112/2015.

NS is written in italian and published in RFI website, in accordance with the RNE Network Statement Common Structure. In addition, for full information at international level the document is also published in english.

In accordance with art. 14 of Legislative Decree 112/2015, RFI has published the first draft of “Network Statement 2026", for the purpose of starting the consultation phase with the RUs, Regions, Autonomous Provinces and other interested parties.

The IM publishes the first draft (2nd version) of 2026 NS integrated with the indications related to the tariff proposal for the 2025-2029 regulatory period, presented to Transport Regulation Authority on 28 June 2024.

Any comments by the interested parties must be received no later than 31 July 2024 to the following e-mail:

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By CEO Provision No. 2 of 28 March 2024, the Managing Director of RFI issued the 2025 Network Statement – March 2024 edition.

In the NS, the National Railway Infrastructure Manager sets out:

  • the rules and procedures governing the requirements for requesting capacity and those relating to the process of allocating capacity, which are valid from 8 March 2024 as regards the service timetable applicable from 15 December 2024 to 13 December 2025,
  • the rules and information applicable to the working timetable in force from 15 December 2024 to 13 December 2025, such as the rules governing the obligations and responsibilities of RFI and RUs/Requesters with regard to the signing and execution of the transactions (Framework Agreement and Usage Agreement).

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By CEO Provision No. 18 of 7 December 2023, the Managing Director of RFI issued the 2024 Network Statement – December 2023 edition.

In the NS, the National Railway Infrastructure Manager sets out:

  • the rules and procedures governing the requirements for requesting capacity and those relating to the process of allocating capacity, which are valid from 10 March 2023 as regards the service timetable applicable from 10 December 2023 to 14 December 2024,
  • the rules and information applicable to the working timetable in force from 10 December 2023 to 14 December 2024, such as the rules governing the obligations and responsibilities of RFI and RUs/Requesters with regard to the signing and execution of the transactions (Framework Agreement and Usage Agreement).

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For accredited users, the new RFI e-NS information system is now available online. The system is based on GIS technology for interactive and dynamic consultation of the characteristics of the infrastructure and plants published in the Network Information Prospectus. Instead of the previous NS WEB, the portal provides applicants with thematic maps and documents containing technical and commercial information on the services offered on the lines and plants managed by RFI.

In order to consult eNS, users simply need to access the portal and register by clicking on the 'Create account' button, or use their authentication credentials for the RFI Applications Portal (credentials used to access the previous portal, which is no longer updated, NS WEB).

ePIR is optimised for Google Chrome and MS-Internet Explorer 9 or later.


Communications to Applicants