Our Corporate Governance consists of the set of rules, processes and mechanisms related to the governance of the company, the supervision of control processes and the upkeep of relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

The cornerstone and indispensable aspect of corporate governance is the internal control system given by the set of organisational structures, rules and procedures aimed at pursuing the achievement of the effectiveness and efficiency of corporate processes in compliance with company strategies, the safeguarding of corporate assets, the reliability and integrity of information, the compliance of operations with legislative, regulatory and contractual provisions, as well as with internal policies, plans, regulations and procedures.

Our governance structure is articulated according to the traditional model, where the Shareholders’ Meeting appoints the Board of Directors (BoD) responsible for company management, along with the Board of Statutory Auditors responsible for controls. The statutory audit, rather, is entrusted to an auditing company. Then there is the control body of the Supervisory Board appointed by the Board of Directors to oversee the observance and functioning of the Organisational and Management Model 231 of the Company.

At a line level, our organisation is divided into one central Deputy Directorate-General – grouping 4 central Directorates – along with three central Directorates sand, at a staff level, into 12 central Directorates. The extensive nature of the railway network throughout the territory weaves a dense organisational structure under the control of the central Directorates.

Our registered office is in Rome at Piazza della Croce Rossa 1. There are then territorial offices located in Turin, Milan, Genoa, Venice, Verona, Trieste, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Reggio Calabria, Bari, Ancona, Palermo and Cagliari.