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Our commitment to ensuring the steering and control of RFI’s production processes and activities relating to railway operations, occupational safety and environmental protection whilst guaranteeing efficient and effective asset management, is applied in our Management Systems and in particular: in the Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS); in the Asset Management System (AMS);in the Information Security Management System.

Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS)

In order to ensure the steering and control of production processes and activities pertaining to train circulation and operation, occupational safety and environmental protection, we have defined and implemented a systematised and organic series of organisational and procedural measures which together constitute our Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS).

The Integrated Safety Management System sets our Integrated Policy that in turn ties together the Environmental Policy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Railway Operation Safety Policy. The Integrated Safety Management System, which complies with the international ISO 9001 standard for Quality Management Systems, is the tool serving the decision-making process on all safety-related aspects and is comprised of: the Safety Management System (SMS) assessed by the National Agency for Railway Safety (ANSF), which issued RFI’s Safety Authorisation in June 2014 (this Safety Authorisation, as foreseen by the regulations of reference, was renewed in June 2019 and, in continuation of such, in December 2021 was re-evaluated by the National Agency for Railway and Road, Infrastructure and Motorway Safety (ANSFISA) with RFI being issued Safety Authorisation valid until 20 June 2024); the Environmental Management System (EMS) compliant with the ISO14001 standard; the Management System for Occupational Health and Safety compliant with the ISO45001 standard (formerly, OHSAS 18001).

AMS - Asset Management System

In order to maintain and increase the value of the railway and other assets entrusted to us by the State through the Concession Act, we have equipped ourselves with a specific and innovative Management System, namely the Asset Management System (AMS) governed by international standards ISO 55000, 55001 and 55002, as the set of processes, procedures, tools and resources necessary to guarantee the achievement of organisational objectives and to make the asset available to the Railway Companies and all transport operators in an effective (safe) and efficient (least costly) manner.

In September 2019, we achieved certification of our Asset Management System in accordance with the international standard ISO 55001 for tangible immovable assets, consisting of all components comprising the entire national railway infrastructure, such as the tracks. In September 2020, we extended the scope of certification to tangible/moveable assets and intangible assets/works of ingenuity, completing the picture of the types of assets that an organisation is required to effectively and sustainably manage to ensure value creation.

Information Security Management System 

To ensure transparency and objectivity in determining the toll for use of the infrastructure by Railway Undertakings, we have equipped ourselves with an Information Security Management System in accordance with the international standard ISO 27001:2013, which enables us to guarantee the continuity and safety of train circulation data for the purpose of economic reporting of allocated paths.

The certification process for the renewal and maintenance of the Information Security Management System was handled by the IMQ S.p.A. accredited body, selected through a European tender.