RFI responds: for claims and reports on RFI's services to the public

To learn more about the needs of the public and broaden the opportunities for dialogue with travellers and citizens who come into direct contact every day with the activities and services of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, especially in stations, RFI has created the digital channel RFI Responds through which users can send complaints or reports regarding the services offered by RFI governed by sector legislation in addition to the customer satisfaction surveys and dialogue with consumer associations and disabled people. 

By following a wizard, web users can: 

  • send claims on the services offered at the station, such as information to the public, the assistance service for people with disabilities or reduced mobility, comfort and cleanliness, accessibility conditions and security;
  • send reports on the services under the responsibility of the Infrastructure Manager relating to train traffic, network safety and efficiency, the environment, etc.; 
  • help guide corporate actions aimed at improving the quality of RFI services and resolving or mitigating any critical issues found. 
Help us improve the quality of our services. Send us your claims and reports

Forwarding channels

Claims and reports must be sent through:

 or, alternatively

  • registered mail, by filling in the specific form available on the Claims and Reports page, to be sent to the following address: RFI. S.p.A., c.a. Regulatory Affairs and Antitrust Infrastructure Hub - Passenger Rights, Piazza della Croce Rossa no. 1, 00161, Rome. 

The channels above are solely dedicated to handling claims and reports on RFI services, for more clarifications visit the Claims and Reports FAQ web page.

Claim and report response time

RFI undertakes to provide adequate and reasoned responses to claims within thirty calendar days and to reports within sixty calendar days from the day information is sent via the RFI responds digital channel or from the day of receipt of the registered letter. If, in justified cases, it is not possible to respond to a claim within thirty days, RFI undertakes to inform the user of the date within the same deadline, within a period of less than ninety calendar days from receipt of the claim, within which to expect a reply. 

Right to compensation for failure to respond to claims 

In the event that RFI does not send any response to claims within ninety calendar days from the day it is sent via the RFI responds digital channel, or from the day of receipt of the registered letter, users are automatically entitled to compensation equal to 5 Euro.     

It will be the responsibility of RFI to ask users for their current account data in order to pay the compensation by bank transfer.


In the event no reply is received or if deemed unsatisfactory, we would like to inform you that you may start the joint conciliation procedure established by Transport Regulation Authority, to which RFI is committed, available at the link https://www.autorita-trasporti.it/conciliaweb/, or submit the application to Camere di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura joint conciliation procedure.

You may also contact the Transport Regulation Authority through the Electronic Claim Acquisition System (SiTe) available at website www.autorita-trasporti.it, or by filling in the specific forms to be sent by certified mail to pec@pec.autorita-trasporti.it or by email (art@autorita-trasporti.it).

For further information on the procedures, terms and conditions for submitting claims to the Authority, please visit www.autorita-trasporti.it.

Personal data protection

The personal data communicated for claims and reports are processed in compliance with Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 (so-called GDPR). The RFI responds digital channel privacy policy is available to user on the www.rfi.it homepage

Please note

► under measure 4.2. of Annex A to Resolution ART no. 28 of 25 February 2021 RFI, as station manager, is required to examine as claims those claims that at least include: (a) user identification references (name, surname and e-mail address) and of the representative, if any, enclosing, in this case, the authorisation and an identity document for the representative; (b) identification references: (i) the completed or planned journey (e.g. date, time of departure, train number, origin, destination), (ii) the railway station where the alleged disservice occurred; (c) the description of the inconsistency of the station service found with respect to one or more requirements defined by European or national legislation and by the RFI Service Charter;

► pursuant to measure 5.1 of Annex A to Resolution ART no. 28 of February 25, 2021, the response to the claim is motivated by RFI, in a language that is easily understood by the average user, with reference to all the reasons for the claim lodged by the user, and clearly indicates, in particular: (a) in relation to the ascertained facts, whether or not the subject of the claim is inconsistent with one or more requirements defined by European or national legislation and by the RFI Service Charter; […] b) whether the user has the right to receive compensation as indicated in the RFI Service Charter and concerning the unavailability of the station elevators managed by RFI and, in this case, the timing and methods for obtaining it; c) the measures put in place for the resolution of the ascertained disservice and, if the same has not yet been resolved, the relative time frame;

► in the event that a claim or report is rejected by RFI since not under its authority, the claim or report will be forwarded to the Entity deemed pertinent and with whom RFI has stipulated specific Protocols within thirty days of receipt, simultaneously notifying the user.