We are the Network, we create networks

Over 16.800 km of lines, over 2.000 stations: the Italian network for the sustainable mobility of people and goods

For persons with disability

We work every day to provide assistance to passengers with disability and reduced mobility and to remove physical and sensory barriers restricting railway services from being used autonomously.


We coordinate our assistance services for disabled and reduced mobility people from 16 SALA BLU offices


Check if there are any changes to the accessibility of platforms with lifts and/or ramps at your station 


18 July 2024
On line the updates of the documentation relating to the 2025-2029 Tariff Proposal

In addition to the Tariff Proposal for MAP and Extra MAP Services published last 28 June, the Infrastructure Manager makes available the update of the documentation placed in consultation with some additions/corrections, following a specific request from the Transport Regulation Authority.

16 July 2024
Calling of meeting with stakeholders relating to the RFI Tariff Proposal for the regulatory period 2025-2029

Following the publication of the tariff proposals for the period 2025-2029 relating to the Minimum Access Package (MAP) and Extra-MAP Services, RFI is available to answer to any clarification need in a specific meeting on 23 July at 10:00 am.

12 July 2024
Online the perimeter relating to the new extra-MAP services offered in the station

In addition to the Tariff Proposal for extra-MAP services published last 28 June, the Infrastructure Manager is making available a document containing the list of stations of the National Railway Infrastructure and the related extra-MAP services offered within them, starting from 2026

11 July 2024
On line the 1st draft of 2026 Network Statement (2nd version)

The IM publishes the first draft (2nd version) of 2026 NS integrated with the indications related to the tariff proposal for the 2025-2029 regulatory period, presented to Transport Regulation Authority on 28 June 2024.


We contribute towards creating a single European railway area by carrying out projects to improve the network in line with standardised Community technical and safety rules, essential for supporting the single market and guarantees free movement of goods and people


The backbone of the Trans-European Transport Network. The TEN-T Network facilitates the integration of European countries opening the way to a single market and supports a transport decarbonisation policy and an active role by the EU in the global fight against climate change


European Freight Corridors are one of the cornerstones of Community policy aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of international rail freight transport and, therefore, meeting the freight transport modal share objectives established by the EU White Paper for 2030