National Railway Infrastructure

As a National Railway Infrastructure Manager (RIM) we provide all Railway Undertakings (RUs) with approximately 16,800 kilometres of railway lines for safely moving passengers and goods, in accordance with principles of fairness non-discrimination and transparency.

Each year, we publish the updated edition of the Network Statement (NS) to inform our clients - Railway Undertakings (RUs) and other eligible entities - of the criteria, procedures, methods, deadlines and tariffs for assigning infrastructure capacity and for providing related services along with all the information on the network characteristics and conditions of access.

Regional Railway Infrastructure

In accordance with art. 47, paragraph 4 of Law Decree no. 50 of 24 April 2017 (subsequently converted by law no. 96 of 21 June 2017), Rete Ferroviaria Italiana took over the management of certain regional railway networks.

In this section, we present the Regional Railway Infrastructure Network Statements and any additional documents and communications to stakeholders.

18 July 2024
On line the updates of the documentation relating to the 2025-2029 Tariff Proposal

In addition to the Tariff Proposal for MAP and Extra MAP Services published last 28 June, the Infrastructure Manager makes available the update of the documentation placed in consultation with some additions/corrections, following a specific request from the Transport Regulation Authority.

16 July 2024
Calling of meeting with stakeholders relating to the RFI Tariff Proposal for the regulatory period 2025-2029

Following the publication of the tariff proposals for the period 2025-2029 relating to the Minimum Access Package (MAP) and Extra-MAP Services, RFI is available to answer to any clarification need in a specific meeting on 23 July at 10:00 am.