Our subsidiary, affiliate and minority companies and our investments in European Economic Interest Groupings

Grandi Stazioni Rail 100%; Bluferries 100%; Blu jet 100%; TerminaliItalia 100%; InfrarailFirenze 100%; Tunnel ferroviario del Brennero 88%
Grandi Stazioni Rail logo


Grandi Stazioni Rail SpA, wholly owned by RFI since November 2018, is the company responsible for redeveloping, upgrading and managing the fourteen main Italian railway stations: Bari Centrale, Bologna Centrale, Firenze Santa Maria Novella, Genova Brignole, Genova Piazza Principe, Milano Centrale, Napoli Centrale, Palermo Centrale, Roma Termini, Roma Tiburtina, Torino Porta Nuova, Venezia Mestre, Venezia Santa Lucia, Verona Porta Nuova.

Visit the website of Grandi Stazioni Rail SpA

Active since May 2019, Blu Jet is the RFI company dedicated to the maritime transportation of passengers between Messina, Villa San Giovanni and Reggio Calabria. Its crossings over the Strait of Messina complement those carried out by RFI's long-distance train vessels and Bluferries' vessels dedicated to transporting heavy vehicles.

Visit the website of Blujet

Blujet logo
Infrarail logo


Established in September 2019 and a wholly-owned subsidiary of RFI, the corporate purpose behind Infrarail is to carry out complex works specific to railway infrastructure for RFI.

Visit the web site of Infrarail 


TFB's corporate purpose is the management of the shareholding (50%) in the share capital of the European company "Brenner Base Tunnel - Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE", the promoter of the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel; the other 50% of the share capital of BBT SE is held by the Austrian company "ÖBB Infrastrukture".

TFB is controlled by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A., which holds, at 30 June 2021, 89.86% of the shares; the remaining shares are divided as follows: 6.38% Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 3,45% Autonomous Province of Trento and 0.32% Province of Verona.


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Tunnel Ferroviario del Brennero logo
Quadrante Europa Terminal Gate logo

Established in 2005 and jointly owned with equal shares of 50% by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and Consorzio ZAI (formed by the Province, Municipality and Chamber of Commerce of Verona with equal shareholding), Quadrante Europa Terminal Gate S.p.A is active within the Interporto di Verona system with the task of carrying out and integrating terminal services and supporting logistics activities as well as promoting the development of infrastructure and intermodal transport.

Currently, Terminali Italia manages the Verona Quadrante Europa terminal, offering terminal services.

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TRIESTE-DIVAčA Railway European Economic Interest Group

The European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) for the Trieste-Divača cross-border railway line was established on 23 May 2013 between RFI and DRI Upravljanje Investicij, Družba za razvoj infrastrukture doo, with the aim of: a) coordinating the design and management of the project for the new Italian-Slovenian cross-border railway section between Trieste and Divača; b) coordinating the design and implementation of the upgrading of the existing railway section between Aurisina and Divača.

The EEIG's activities include promoting the development of cross-border passenger traffic between Italy and Slovenia and solving problems connected with the management of Railway Operations on border sections.

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G.E.I.E. Trieste-Divača logo
G.E.I.E. Baltic-Adriatic Rail Freight Corridor 5 logo


BALTIC-ADRIATIC RAIL FREIGHT CORRIDOR 5 European Economic Interest Grouping

The "EEIG for Baltic-Adriatic Rail Freight Corridor 5 EZIG" was established in Warsaw on 13 May 2016, in compliance with the obligations under Regulation (EC) No. 913/2010.

The EEIG consists of railway infrastructure managers from Poland (PKP PLK), the Czech Republic (SŽDC), Slovakia (ŽSR), Slovenia (SŽ- infrastructure), Austria (ÖBB- Infra) and Italy (RFI).

Its mission is to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of international freight transport along the route: Swinoujscie/Gdynia-Katowice-Ostrava/Žilina-Bratislava/ Wien/Klagenfurt-Udine-Venezia/ Trieste/ /Bologna/Ravenna / Graz-Maribor-Ljubljana-Koper/Trieste.

From 1 January 2019, the Corridor Team will carry out its activities at the new Mestre (VE) for a three-year term. RFI’s Executive Director and One Stop Shop Corridor are part of the new team.

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The "EEIG for Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor" was established in Milan on 19 December 2013. Its partnership is made up of the Spanish (ADIF), French-Spanish (LFP), French (SNCF Réseau), Italian (RFI), Slovenian (SŽ- infrastructure), Croatian (HŽ Infrastruktura) and Hungarian (MAV) railway infrastructure managers and the capacity allocation body in Hungary (VPE) and was extended to Croatia in the year 2016 in compliance with the obligations set out in EU Regulation 1316/2013.

Its Mission is aimed at improving the efficiency and competitiveness of international freight transport (as per Reg. (EC) 913/2010). The new routing of the Mediterranean Corridor runs from Almeria-Valencia/Madrid-Saragossa/Barcelona-Marseille-Lyon-Turin-Milan-Verona-Padova/Venice/Trieste/ Koper-Ljubljana-Rijeka- Zagreb-Budapest-Zahony to the Hungarian-Ukrainian border.

For the first five years, the EEIG was led by a Managing Director appointed by RFI, who was replaced in 2018 by a new Managing Director, also appointed by RFI.

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G.E.I.E. Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor logo
G.E.I.E. Corridor Rhine-Alpine EWIV logo

RHINE- ALPINE CORRIDOR European Economic Interest Grouping

The "EEIG Corridor Rhine-Alpine EWIV" - registered in 2014 as an evolution of "EEIG Corridor A EWIV", established in Frankfurt in 2008 - manages activities aimed at improving the efficiency and competitiveness of international freight transport (as per Reg. (EC) 913/2010).

The EEIG is made up of the Dutch (Prorail), Belgian (Infrabel), German (DB Netz) and Italian (RFI) railway infrastructure managers, with the Swiss infrastructure managers SBB Infrastruktur and BLS Netze as contractors, and the body responsible for allocating railway capacity in Switzerland, Trasse Schweiz.

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The Association under Austrian law "Scandinavian Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor" was established in Vienna in 2016 in compliance with the obligations under Regulation (EC) 913/2010, to manage activities aimed at improving the efficiency and competitiveness of international freight transport along the route: Stockholm/[Oslo]/Trelleborg-Malmö-København-Hamburg-Innsbruck-Verona - La Spezia / Livorno / Ancona/ Taranto / Augusta / Palermo.

The Association consists of the railway infrastructure managers from Norway (NSB), Sweden (Trafikverket), Denmark (Banedanmark), Germany (DB Netz AG), Austria (ÖBB- Infra) and Italy (RFI).

The new team, within which the role of Managing Director is appointed by RFI, has been operating since 1 January 2019 under a three-year fixed term.

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G.E.I.E. Scandinavia Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor logo