Transport infrastructure is the backbone for the economic and social development of the territory, influencing its productivity, facilitating trade with other areas and markets, along with improving economic inclusion and social cohesion.

With the new Business Plan, the FS Group confirms that it is continuously on the move and is even more at the heart of the mobility ecosystem, thanks to an integrated system of various infrastructure and transport modes that will create value for the country.

Within this context, the Infrastructure Hub – with RFI as parent company and comprising Anas, Italferr and Ferrovie del Sud-Est – can play a key role by working synergistically for the realisation of accessible, integrated, resilient, interconnected and dialoguing road and rail works, also thanks to digital transformation, together with the integration of engineering services to accelerate investments

The Infrastructure Hub in numbers

Map of RFi and ANAS lines
The infrasctructure Hub in numbers: ~ 50,000 km of network managed, 44,682 resources data 06.30.2024, ~ 2,200 stations + ~ 1,200 roadman’s houses, ~ 41,000 bridges and viaducts, circa 3,670 tunnels, circa 376 mln passenger and freight train-km/year, + 1.3 mld passenger in transit in our stations, 84.1 mld people vehicles/year by road, 7.3 mld freight vehicles/ year by road data update 12.31.2023

The Hub’s vision broken down into six strategic objectives

The inclusion of RFI and Anas in the same Hub aims to maximise industrial synergies to:

  • Increase Italy’s transport infrastructure by effectively integrating the rail and road network with other infrastructure and urban centres;
  • Ensure the safety and resilience of infrastructures in an increasingly-challenging environment;
  • Accelerate the ecological transition of the Group and the country;
  • Seize the opportunities offered by new technologies for innovative maintenance activities and services;
  • Realise investments within the required timeframe;Improve the level of service.

The rail-road synergy shall render it possible to integrate some 50,000 kilometres of arterial roads between railway lines, highways and motorways, which accommodate over 9,000 trains and 7.4 million vehicles per day.

The objectives are ambitious and aim to upgrade and integrate the rail and road networks, making them both more modern, resilient, interconnected and accessible to all. This synergy must be present in the planning phase of the works, defining and specialising the roles of the different infrastructures, also in the design, technological development and maintenance. The connection between the two serves to bring Italy closer, cutting travel time between the main cities and reaching all urban centres throughout the country in a capillary manner. 

For the Infrastructure Hub as a whole, some 160 billion euro in investments has been earmarked and specifically:

  • For RFI, a total of 110 billion euro in technical investments are planned for extraordinary maintenance, technologies, regional networks, port/interport connections, routes of national interest (High Speed/High Capacity), safety and upgrading, tourist lines, metropolitan cities and airport connections. Completion of the works shall be instrumental in increasing the regularity of the service through the implementation of the most modern distancing systems (ERTMS) throughout Italy. A number of reductions in journey times on the main rail routes shall be achieved throughout the period covered by the plan. For example, the cities of Milan, Turin and Genoa can be connected in about one hour and Naples-Bari in only two hours.
  • Technical investments of around 50 billion euro are envisaged for Anas for network development, extraordinary maintenance and other activities necessary for completion of the plan. The integration of the company into the Infrastructure Hub will also form the basis for the acceleration of the digitalisation and connectivity of roads (Smart Road).

The four companies of the Infrastructure Hub