FAQ "Claims" and "Reports": answers to the most frequently asked questions

1) Why this distinction between "claims*" and "reports"?

The distinction arises from the fact that the legislation relating to passenger rights (see for example the latest TRA - Transport Regulation Authority - Resolution No. 28/2021 Measures concerning the minimum content of the specific rights that users of railway and bus transport services can demand from service managers and related infrastructures with regard to claim management) limits "claims" to claims regarding the services offered at the station (information to the public, the assistance service to people with disabilities or reduced mobility, comfort and cleanliness, accessibility conditions and security), and which indicate the identification references of the user or his representative (name, surname and email address); the identification references of the completed or planned journey (e.g. date, time of departure, origin, destination, train number); the name of the railway station where the alleged disservice occurred; the description of the disservice that is considered immediately.

Since we strongly believe that all user requests represent a precious asset for monitoring and improving the efficiency of the services offered to our users, even if one of the aforementioned requirements is missing, or if the subject of the request does not concern station services (e.g. Line disservices), the claim will be managed by identifying it as a "report".

* Such a claim shall be submitted within three months of the incident that it concerns.

2) How can I send a "claim" or a "report" to RFI?

To send us "claims" or "reports" you can use the RFI responds web form, accessible from the home page of this website, available at http://rfirisponde.rfi.it/RFIrisponde/HomeRfiRisponde.aspx.

The system will guide you and your request will be automatically registered as a "claim" or as a "report" depending on whether or not it concerns and contains the topics and references described in the answer to FAQ no. 1.

Alternatively, fill out the specific form available on the Claims and reports page and send it to the following address: RFI. S.p.A., c.a. Regulatory Affairs and Antitrust Infrastructure Hub - Passenger Rights, Piazza della Croce Rossa no. 1, 00161, Rome. 

Also in this case, your request will be recorded as a "claim" or a "report" depending on the explanation provided in the answer to FAQ. n. 1.

3) Why do I have to use the form provided to send "claims" or "reports" by registered letter?

The downloadable on-line form is not only helpful in guiding the user in lodging a claim/report, but, by including the information on the processing of personal data to be read and signed, allows us to process the "claim" in compliance with European Regulation 679/2016 concerning the processing of personal data: without having read the information, in fact, your "claim" or "report" cannot be processed!

4) How long will it take for my "claim" to be answered?

Without prejudice to the desire to respond as quickly as possible, "claims" must be answered within 30 calendar days from the day sent via the RFI responds digital channel or from the day of receipt of the registered letter. In the event that we are unable to reply within this period of time, we undertake to inform you of the date by which you will receive the reply, which in any case cannot be beyond 90 calendar days from receipt of the "claim".

5) How long will it take for my "report" to be answered?

Without prejudice to the desire to respond as quickly as possible, "reports" must be answered within 60 calendar days from the day sent via the RFI responds digital channel or from the day of receipt of the registered letter.

6) What is Late Response Compensation?

In the event that we are unable to provide a definitive response to a "claim" within 90 calendar days from the day sent via the RFI responds digital channel or from the day of receipt of the registered letter, we will pay you compensation "for late response” equal to 5 Euro by contacting you and asking for an IBAN and useful data for the payment, which will be made by bank transfer. If you have submitted several “claims" related to the same travel document, the compensation for late response, in compliance with Measure 6.3 of TRA Resolution no. 28/2021, can be paid for only one of them.

7) If my "claim" does not receive any response or if I consider the response received unsatisfactory, what can I do?

If you do not receive a response to a "claim" (defined in FAQ n. 1) or if you believe the response received is unsatisfactory, you can contact the Transport Regulatory Authority through its on-line "claims" acquisition system (SiTe) available at Autorità Trasporti website, or by filling in the specific forms to be sent by certified email to the address pec@pec.autorita-trasporti.it or by email (art@autorita-trasporti.it). For further information on the procedures, terms and conditions for submitting “claims” to the Authority, please visit Autorità Trasporti website.

8) Who should I contact for inquiries regarding stations and services managed by Grandi Stazioni Rail and Grandi Stazioni Retail?

Grandi Stazioni Rail SpA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RFI since 2018, is the company in charge of redeveloping, enhancing and managing the following 14 principle Italian railway stations: Bari Centrale, Bologna Centrale, Firenze Santa Maria Novella, Genova Brignole, Genova Piazza Principe, Milano Centrale, Napoli Centrale, Palermo Centrale, Roma Termini, Roma Tiburtina, Torino Porta Nuova, Venezia Mestre, Venezia Santa Lucia and Verona Porta Nuova. 

In the event of any disruptions occurring in these stations in relation to: accessibility; parking spaces dedicated to people with disabilities; routes, tactile maps and orientation signs; the functionality of elevator/moving systems (lifts, escalators, moving walkways, ramps); works in progress; comfort and cleanliness in the station and areas open to the public or waste management; maintenance of platform paving, shelters, underpasses; waiting areas not exclusively assigned to railway companies; passenger safety; theft or assaults; management of points of access to the station (with the exception of the access gates to the platforms handled directly by RFI); illumination; parking and connections with other means of transport; or, service and surveillance personnel, you may send an email to the email address relazioniclientela@grandistazioni.it, or send a communication via ordinary mail to: Grandi Stazioni Rail SpA, Customer Care, Via Giovanni Giolitti 34 – 00185 Roma. Alternatively, you may also use the web form available at the link: https://www.grandistazioni.it/content/grandiStazioni/it/misc/segnalazioni-e-reclami.html.

In the event of inefficiencies occurring within these 14 stations in regards to commercial services (such as shops, food and beverage, advertising information, pay toilets or luggage storage) managed by Grandi Stazioni Retail SpA, please contact the company in the manner indicated at the link: https://www.gsretail.it/it/contattaci/.

PLEASE NOTE: Also within these 14 stations, assistance to people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility, fixed and variable station signage and sound announcements pertaining to railway traffic are guaranteed directly by RFI.

9) For disservices regarding the parking areas, who should I contact?

In relation to the parking areas managed by FS Park (the list of which are listed on the page https://www.fspark.it/content/metropark_nd/it/parcheggi.html), you can contact the company in the manner indicated at the link: https://www.fspark.it/content/metropark_nd/it/info.html.

For the parking areas at Milano Centrale (P2, CM7), Torino Porta Nuova, Genova Brignole and Genova Piazza Principe, Venezia Mestre, Verona Porta Nuova, Firenze S.M. Novella, Roma Termini (STATION, 550, 500 K&R, MARSALA), Napoli Centrale Garibaldi and Palermo Centrale managed by Grandi Stazioni Rail, users of the station can send an email to relazioniclientela@grandistazioni.it or avail of the web form at https://www.grandistazioni.it/content/grandiStazioni/it/misc/segnalazioni-e-reclami.html, or send communication via ordinary mail to: Grandi Stazioni Rail SpA, Customer Care, Via Giovanni Giolitti 34 – 00185 Roma. If you are a user of the car parks only, you may submit a report both directly to the supervisors in charge within the car parks (through the specific form that can be requested from the operators themselves) or by email to: info.parcheggi@grandistazioni.it or by certified email to parcheggigrandistazioni@legalmail.com.