In compliance with the provisions of measures 4, paragraph 4.3, point 2 and 42, paragraph 42.9, point 1, letter a) of Annex A to ART Resolution no. 95/2023, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. publishes the tariff proposals relating to the Minimum Access Package (MAP) and services extra-MAP for the period 2024-2028.

The documentation relating to the proposals of 27 September 2023 and 16 February 2024 are reported separately in the part below:

  • The proposal of 27 September 2023 presented within the deadlines set by Resolution ART 95/2023 Measure 4, paragraph 4.3, point 1 (Minimum Access Package) and Measure 42, paragraph 42.9, point 1, letter a) (Services extra-MAP), extended with Resolutions 118/2023 and 142/2023. This section also contains the report referred to in point 3 of Resolution ART 142/2023 on the acceptance or rejection of the observations received from the stakeholders by 27 October 2023, the material prepared for the meetings with the stakeholders and the applications for the predetermination of the TAC referred to in Measure 4.3 point 1 letter h).
  • The proposal of 16 February 2024 took into account the observations of the stakeholders, the provisions contained in Resolution ART 187/2023 and the preliminary outcomes communicated to the IM by 15 January 2024. A second release of the application for the predetermination of the TAC referred to in Measure 4.3 point 1 letter h) (with new features relating to route and time slot search) is published in this section.

With Resolution no. 38 of 14 March 2024, the Authority declared the non-compliance of the tariff proposal presented by RFI on 16 February 2024 with the regulatory model approved with resolution no. 95/2023 and consequently ordered RFI to transmit, by 30 June 2024, a new tariff proposal relating to the MAP and extra-MAP services for the regulatory period 2025-2029.

The tariffs for the year 2025, in compliance with the same Resolution, are set equal to the tariff levels applied in 2024, increased by the programmed inflation rate (except for some specific extra-MAP services).


MAP tariff proposal attachments

Meetings with stakeholders about Tariff Proposal: Presentations

Following the meetings called by this Infrastructure Manager through notice on the RFI page, the documents presented respectively for the meetings with the Long Haul segment (06 October 2023), with the PSO-Regional segment (10 October 2023) and with the Freight segment (12 October 2023) are published.

These presentations are of a purely informative nature, are intended to facilitate the understanding of the proposal and are not as a substitute for it.

Stakeholder observations

To access the documentation relating to the new 2025-2029 tariff proposal presented by RFI on 28 June 2024 go to the dedicated page.